19 Oct 2016

Grandad's L'il Helper

Some homes have "No Junk Mail" stickers on their letter boxes, but I actually enjoy receiving these glossy catalogues from the local shops and supermarkets advertising their weekly specials.

After all, the only other mail I get are bills!

Grandson B, the naughty one, seems to have settled down a little and, at times, appears to be quite eager to please and be of some help.

He was helping me collect the junk mail the other day, but his little fingers were having  problems with the number of catalogues, their size and, it would appear, the slipperiness of the glossy paper.
They're going all over the place!

Don't worry, Granddad!  Everything's under control!

It's getting difficult again!

Hmm - this looks interesting.  I might buy one.


  1. Dear god ! he is so cute so handsome .
    you captured him very artistically .Lovely photos .

    1. Thank you. He's just over 2 and the youngest (and naughtiest) of my 3 grandchildren.

  2. Ohhhh Arthur...what a cute and handsome little boy. And clever for sure :)

    1. Thank you, Reader's Tales. We enjoy babysitting him once a week.

  3. Muahahahahahaha!!! So cute. He's growing fast.

    We seldom get junk mail here, once in a while...so mine would be bills, bills...and more bills. Not so much now as I get many of them online...so not much mail these days.

    1. Yes, regretfully they all grow up so fast! The cuteness doesn't last long enough.

  4. Can't believe he's the naughtiest (or even naughty). He's obviously enjoying helping Grandpa. You're a great trainer, Grandpa.

    1. Actually the credit should go to Grandma C; she spends much more time with him than I do. I'm only there for the fun bits.
