12 Jun 2017

He's Three Now

Grandson B turned 3 a few weeks ago, and for this occasion Grandma C baked him a fire engine cake as his favourite character is Fireman Sam.

Yes, that's little Grandson B himself driving the fire engine.
And here's the front view:
Note Fireman Sam on his T-shirt.  It wasn't planned, just serendipitous.
Grandma C got his photos printed by a professional cake printing company.

Out of curiosity, I looked for cake printers on eBay and found you can buy them for a reasonable price.
Under $400 for an A3 printer.
Grandson B, however, still shows no interest in learning how to talk.  He understands everyone perfectly, but seems to have no desire to reach out with words.

He is very expressive in other ways, however, as these pictures show.


  1. Happy birthday to your cute grandson! Gone past the Terrible Two now, eh? LOL!!! Wowwwww!!! Grandma does it again! Love the cake and love the photo in front - nice touch!

    1. Thank you, suituapui. Yes, he's gone past the terrible twos and is quite settled these days.

  2. Wow, time flies ! Grandma C is really creative n the grandchildren must adore her for the lovingly prepared cakes for each birthday!
    Enjoy your grandchildren as they will soon be adults!

    1. Very true, Cpc. And we're getting older very quickly!

  3. i never saw such beautiful adorable cake before ,so pretty indeed!!!

    your grandson is really cute and looks wonderful in photos,very expressive .

    may he see many many more celebrations with his precious family

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for the snide and rude comments, Readers Tales.

    2. Oh, I forgot. You like deleting things, too.
