24 Dec 2017

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

Grandson No 3 not impressed by Santa
Pic above taken from DIL's Facebook page, and shows 2 of our 3 grandchildren with Santa. 

Grandson No 2 MIA, out playing basketball.

Our family Christmas card and our "annual report" is here.


  1. I wonder who is Santa? I like to guess that it is you Arthur, but the size tells me it is not!
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thanks for keeping us posted through the year!

    1. I wasn't there, but I think it's a shopping centre Santa. Best wishes for the new year, sweetee.

  2. LOL!!! He looks quite bored. Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2018 to you and all your loved ones. Cheers!!!

    1. Thank you, suituapui. Yes, he didn't look excited at all, but his mother tells me he actually was. Best wishes for the season and new year.

  3. Poor Santa, it must be hot for him to be so heavily wrapped up in Perth in December!
    A very merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and everyone at home.

    1. Yes, Prof, the real hot weather often starts with Christmas. Jan and Feb are our worst months.
      All the best for Christmas and the new year.

  4. This photo is Delightful!!!

    Your grand children are so cute and look excited..

    Just took a look of your report page ,Sorry for the loss of Loved ones my friend!

    Wishing you a healthy and positive happy year to you and family

  5. Thank you baili, and a very happy New Year to your family and yourself, too.
