13 Sept 2019

Winter is Over

It is only in the depths of winter that I can wake up early enough to take Ripper out at sunrise (about 7 am or so), and take advantage of the nice soft golden light for photos. 

Even now, only in the second week of spring, at 7 am the sun is already fairly high and the light is very bright, harsh and contrasty.

Coincidentally, at that time I inherited an iPhone 6 (my previous being an iPhone 4 - also inherited) and tried out its camera one morning.

Here, then, are a few iPhone pics of Ripper, around sunrise, in Adenia Reserve:
Ripper enjoying the riverside mud, chasing water birds and ducks

The mud on his legs don't stay on for long, and by the time we get to the car, would have fallen off.

From the swampy to the grassy areas
And here's one on a rainy morning, with Molly - also a phone pic:
Rainbow in the west, the direction most of our rain comes from.  This photo is taken in our local footy oval.


  1. Lovely photos! A reward for waking up early indeed.

    1. Thanks, KMK. I still think phone photos don't do as good a job as real cameras. I find handling a phone camera unnatural.
