29 Oct 2015

Better Than Our Garden Gnomes

We don't seem to have done anything too interesting lately.

I have been out riding my new bike, and also making use of my "new" smartphone -  I downloaded an app which records my rides on GPS and displays the rides on a map.

You can see some of the rides in the column to the right.

Other than that, nothing much else happened.

Going through Grandma C's photos of her trip to Thailand, I found these garden decorations in the grounds of her hotel in Kanchanaburi quite delightful.

If only we could get them here.

I think the metal structure behind the figurine might be an attempt to replicate the bridge on the River Kwai.


  1. You do 27km a day on your bike, must be super fit.

    1. That is not far for a bicycle. And I go very slowly.

  2. In Thailand? I thought you had those in your garden. Very very nice though I would not think of having those in our equatorial climate - would need to wash and clean frequently, and even repaint, those coloured ones.

    1. I wish my garden is as beautiful as that, instead of the eyesore that it is!

    2. No worries, can't be worse than mine. I'm hopeless at gardening and stuff.

  3. Those gnomes reflect a sense of humour and a glimpse of the world outlook of the Thais. (They refer to their country as the Land of Smiles.)
    In the second last photo, behind the main gnome there is one with clasped hands as if praying and looking upwards at the bridge structure.
    Wonder if there is any meaning behind each figure. What figure could be better than that of a child to convey the innocence of human life.

    1. Very observant of you (with regards to the figure with clasped hands). I am inclined to believe there is meaning in that one, at least.

    2. The figurines are well maintained. Are they located In the vicinity of the war cemetery or the Death Railway Museum?

    3. The figurines are in the garden of the hotel Grandma C stayed at. I have a Google map reference for you: the hotel is not far from both the museum and the bridge. https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/River+Kwai+Bridge+Resort/@14.0405481,99.5062352,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x30e374fa11a11267:0x4ac84004f34a397b
